Belvoirdale has developed an original curriculum that uses the National Curriculum objectives as a starting point. Our intent is to nurture a culture of curiosity, that will inspire a love of learning and a desire to make links from the knowledge that children acquire and an understanding of their place in the world. We do this by making links between the subjects that are taught and by encouraging children to; Dream it, Learn it, Live it.
Reading is at the heart of the Belvoirdale curriculum. Each area of study is supported by a quality text. Children are supported in developing their confidence in interpreting a text as well as being confident orators.
We recognise that achievement is dependent on children’s personal development, including good physical and mental health. Our curriculum is designed to teach the children the importance of making good decisions about their own wellbeing and how their actions affect the wellbeing of others.
We support, guide and inspire our children, by being role models and by providing them with experiences that prepare them for the community in which they live and for the wider world. We work with our families to create an aspirational school community in which everyone is included, valued and treated equally.
Intent Implementation Impact
Please click below on Intent, Implementation and Impact, to see the Curriculum principles and design
Knowledge and Skills
The Belvoirdale curriculum begins on day one of entry to the school, in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Children are taught through games, activities and play in the following areas: communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, expressive arts and design.
The Belvoirdale curriculum supports children to know more and learn more and the the acquisition of knowledge and skills is attained by sequenced learning based on prior knowledge.
The Learning Journey in all age groups
Learning at Belvoirdale starts with an inspiration day that entices and catches the children’s curiosity for the chosen subject. This often involves a practical activity or visiting practitioners to challenge the children’s understanding of the subject. The Knowledge Harvest then challenges the children’s understanding of key subject knowledge learnt in previous years and prepares them for the next stage of subject specific learning. Children are provided with key vocabulary and introduced to the key skills in classroom activities that may be cross curricular, where appropriate, so that links can be made to support deeper understanding. A review of learning is done at the end of some lessons through exit cards and purple pens, while a return to the knowledge harvest questioning, allows children and teachers to assess the progress and the skills that have been learnt. Finally, a Fab Finish provides an opportunity to celebrate the learning and to reflect on the knowledge learnt.
What it looks like in the classroom
Purple curriculum books capture the learning of English, History, Geography and Science. This enables children to makes links with their learning so that knowledge is embedded and children can see that subjects are understood more deeply when viewed through other eyes.
PHONICS, Reading (DERIC comprehension), RE, Art/DT, French (MFL), have individual books while Life Skills, RSHE and Music use class books (floor books). Computing is collated on electronic recording devices and apps such as DARES, SeeSaw, Vocaroo and Kahoot.
Subject Statements
Please click below on individual subject headings to see statements.
Year Groups and Key Stages
Please click below on year groups to view the curriculum overviews that map out Year A and B.