In line with guidance recieved from Leicestershire County Council. The last day of the summer term will be Thursday 7th July.
School will be closed for summer from Friday 8th July.
Many thanks
Welcome to the Belvoirdale School
I believe that primary school should be a happy and memorable experience which stays with you for life; I remember my primary school; it is where I learnt to read, write my name and where the teachers helped me to discover my passion for music and drama and of course, learning. I can still remember all my teacher’s names.
Belvoirdale will provide similar memories of primary school for all the children that attend because we are a happy, inclusive and caring community.
We are always busy at Belvoirdale; we have many visiting practitioners to support our curriculum, including theatre companies, musicians, artists, authors, sports men and women, local entrepreneurs and residents. We also visit many different places because learning happens when it is engaging, meaningful and when it happens in different settings.
We celebrate creativity through our engaging curriculum that is led by a quality text and vibrant teaching.
Opportunities for children to learn about the rich history of our local area are embedded in our day to day learning, together with an exploration of the characteristics that are needed to become a valued member of the community and a valued citizen of our country.
We use a variety of different subjects to explore the ways of thinking that shape our world and ensure that all our children, whatever their ability, can experience the life-long memories and experiences that a primary school can offer.
When you walk into our school you will hear and see polite, happy children, who are enjoying their learning and who in years to come, will tell their children that primary school was an unforgettable experience.